Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why, hello there!

Hi! You found me! Welcome.

My name is Rachel and I am brand spanking new to blogging. This seemed like an ideal way to get out my thoughts and ramblings without annoying my husband.

So a little about me - I am in my mid-twenties and newly married (OMG almost a year already!) and thinking about kids in the very near future. I live in Texas and I am a college graduate but am currently working a crappy retail job because of the economy and looking to go back to school. My husband is a fireman - he is quite sexy.

Here's a picture of us when we went to Niagara Falls

And if you couldn't tell already I have a really bad case of baby fever. There may be a lot of posts about planning my imaginary spawn's nursery or my fears about pregnancy and childbirth. If you don't want to read about that then perhaps this isn't the right blog for you. There will likely be a lot of posts with my opinions on certain matters or just general things going on in my life. And of my baking and cooking experiments. I want to venture out more and I plan to share this experience with the internet.

I hope that I can keep this blog up and running but I make no promises. It may be a great success. It may crash and burn but, gosh darnit I'm going to try!

I welcome any comments and recipes you think I should try.

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